Mission & Vision

Woodenfish Foundation aims to establish a global network of ethical and compassionate professionals, scholars, and leaders. Woodenfish cultivates ongoing exploration of one's inner life, and inspires meaningful engagement with the pressing global issues of modern times. As of one of the few Buddhist organizations with operations in New York, NY USA and Beijing, P.R. China, we are uniquely positioned to further meaningful dialogue and mutual understanding within what may be considered the most significant bilateral relationship of the 21st century.
We envision a world in which the actions of individuals and communities around the world cultivate peace, compassion, preservation of human dignity and sustainable living.
Woodenfish Foundation is an international, non-sectarian, non-governmental organization, and a registered 501(c)(3) in the state of California.
Our Organization
What is a "Woodenfish"?
The “woodenfish” drum poises the mind and establishes a tempo so that an assembly of people can chant in unison. Further, because fish do not have eyelids, their eyes always remain open even when they sleep. To the Buddhist practitioner, thus, the woodenfish symbolizes community, wakefulness, and unceasing awareness.