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2024 Buddhism & AI Summit
5th Woodenfish Buddhism, Science and Future Conference

The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan  June 21-23, 2024

The Woodenfish Foundation is organizing a three-day conference, from June 21-23, 2024 in Taipei Taiwan as the latest iteration of our conference series, Buddhism, Science and Future. Tackling some of the global developments characterizing Buddhism in the twenty-first century, it invites scholars of Buddhism, mindfulness practitioners, Buddhist leaders, and leaders in AI development to focus, first, on the increasingly popular practice of mindfulness and, second, on the rapid development of artificial intelligence.


Slipped into speeches from internet gurus to military generals yet sharing a lineage with some of the leading Buddhists of today, the ubiquitous concept of mindfulness blurs traditional boundaries between monastics and the laity. Even as it threatens to shift the landscape of Buddhist practice, mindfulness has exciting potential for improving quality of life around the world. We aim to put Buddhist scholars in conversation with mindfulness practitioners on these important topics. Participants in the conference will confront the implications of mindfulness for the past, present, and future of Buddhist practice and humanity,


Relatedly, the exponential growth of AI is both a site of concern and potential. Buddhism’s occupation with the human mind easily extends to conversations on the artificial mind, bringing to the fore practical and philosophical questions of, for example, intelligence, ethics, and practice. Held in Taiwan, itself at the forefront of technological development as a center of the semi-conductor industry, the conference will encourage participants to discuss the pressing topics these questions inspire at the intersection of Buddhism and AI.


At the conclusion of each day, the conference will host a youth science symposium, gathering high school and college Taiwanese youth to present on Buddhism and science. Finally, the entire event will end with a couple concluding panels discussing the current moment in Buddhism and its future. 


台灣台北圓山大飯店 國際會議廳

與會貴賓: 哈佛大學、麻省理工學院、柏克萊大學等高等學府教授、專家、實修者暨台灣教授、IT專家、佛學專家


*同時另開「青年科學營 Youth Science Symposium」 開放高中生、大學生討論AI 


-人類意識 與人工智能

-正念的醫療 與 禪修的解脫

- AI 對宗教的衝擊 與 宗教對AI的倫理指引


***在人工智能時代佛教如何應對? ***






第二天:AI 人工智能對未來佛教的衝擊與佛教能為AI提供什麼倫理規範






1、Christian Coseru (查爾斯頓學院 College of Charleston)

2、Thomas Doctor (自生智佛学院 Ranjung Yeshe Institute)

3、Bernard Faure (哥倫比亞大學Columbia University)

4、Eric Loucks (布朗大學Brown University, Mindfulness Center)

5、Peter Hershock (夏威夷大學Hawaii, East-West Center)

6、Soraj Hongladarom (泰國朱拉隆功大學Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)

7、Michael Irwin (加州大學UCLA, Health Mindfulness Awareness Research Center)

8、Jeanne Lim (being AI)

9、Pat Pataranutaporn (麻省理工學院媒體實驗室 MIT Media Lab)

10、James Robson (哈佛大學Harvard University)

11、Robert Sharf (柏克萊大學Berkeley)

12、Paul Swanson (日本南山大學Nanzan Institute on Religion and Culture)

13、 Evan Thompson (加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學University of British Columbia)

14、耿晴 (台灣大學 唯識專家)

15、鄧偉仁(法鼓文理學院 唯識專家)


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