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Temple of Understanding releases documentary on Eco-Sovereignty- "Roots of Change: Food Soverei

Our friends at the Temple of Understanding recently released an inspiring documentary that we you encourage you to watch. It is accessible on Youtube for viewing and sharing, and embedded below.

Roots of Change features women’s spirited calls to change our global direction. In this visually striking short film, women warn of the current realities and looming threats of food crisis, climate change, and corruption. Women’s leadership and ownership in local systems of food production are desperately needed–as is the collaboration of their husbands, brothers, fathers, and sons. This leadership and ownership is what is meant by food sovereignty.

Roots of Change envisions a revolution in values that will result in clean water and nourishing food for all: a global culture in harmony with the environment that values relationships more than things. Only with a radical system shift that liberates the voices and bodies of women can we achieve a future that is healthy, diverse, peaceful, and whole.

Speakers in the film come from the Temple of Understanding’s events at the Commission on the Status of Women, the annual forum for advocacy on women’s issues at the United Nations.

What can you do about it? Here are steps you can take to support eco-justice!

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